Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Cake shop

My latest project! I originally drew this design as a birthday card for my auntie, and thought it would be nice to do in fabric. It is one of the largest pieces I have done and I am going to get it properly framed so it has a better finish. Hope you like it! 

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Darling Buds

                                  Shame it was not a sunny day
                                          Floral wall canvas
                                                    Me modelling the apron
                                The tea and egg cosy!
My finished collection! (Apron, tea cosy, egg cosy, bunting, wall canvas and cake stand.) This is for my final major project at college, and I have put alot of hard work and effort into these pieces, hope it shows! My assesment is on Friday, will let you know how it goes. I am happy with how this project has gone and I like what I have made, so whatever mark I get I know I have done my best. I cannot believe that I have finished two years at college, it has gone so quickly! Now I have finished I am going to be doing alot more of my own stuff, so will be putting it on this blog, so keep checking for updates :) x

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Floral mood board

This is my floral mood board for my final major project at college. I am going to be making a collection of kitchen textiles based on Spring and my favourite television series ever, The Darling Buds of May. I only hav 5 weeks left at college, I cannot believe how quickly 2 years have gone! I will keep you updated of how my project is going : )

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

My tableware collection

This is my tableware collection I made for college. It is based on drawings I did looking through microscopes. It is being assessed all this week, so wish me luck! But I can say that I really enjoyed designing and making it, and am pleased with the end results.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Heritage mood board

Sorry I have not posted on here for ages! I am now back at college, so will try and update more regularly. This is a mood board I have just done for college, my predictions for Autumn 2012!

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Christmas is coming

 It seems like only yesterday that we were taking down the tree! And that time of year is here again. It is Willoughby's first christmas, bless his little paws. He has been introduced to the christmas tree, and the christmas tree is still standing.

 I hope you are all looking forward to Christmas! x

Tuesday, 29 November 2011